Seconds before a call from Lindsey woke me up I had a strange dream this morning. I was in a long hotel style hallway, yet standing outside a door where I knew Therese and Mike lived. They came walking down the hall absolutely exhausted from the plane ride from Africa. I was ecstatic about seeing them and gave them very big hugs (awkwardly long ones, but it wasn't awkward in my dream world). Lindsey was there as well then suddenly Kellen was in the scene. This changed everything. I knew this was not supposed to be this way. To see him felt like a gift. I grabbed him and hugged him for what felt like several “dream-minutes” while sobbing and balling my eyes out. I was stuck in between pure happiness and deep sadness. I didn't want to ever let go.

We ended up at a giant outdoor gear store (obviously), and as Lindsey and I jumped out of the back of the truck, - low and behold - Laura Curtis was there. I asked "Hey, do you work here?" She replied with "No." in a laughing shocked tone. Laura, Lindsey and I wondered around this giant multi-level store looking at all the latest outdoor equipment, none of which I could focus on because the entire time I was looking around watching for Kellen to reappear. I wish I could describe what I was felling as I was looking around for Kellen. It was like watching for what you knew to be impossible but hoping that each person you saw was going to turn around, look at you, and smile.
If only dreams could come true.
I 'm guessing I miss my friends..............................and gear.
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